Max RollÂwage, UCL
My research focusÂes on metacogÂniÂtion, which can be described as the monÂiÂtorÂing and conÂtrolÂling our own cogÂniÂtive processÂes, or “thinkÂing about thinkÂing”. In the lab, this can be meaÂsured by askÂing parÂticÂiÂpants to make simÂple deciÂsions and then rate their conÂfiÂdence. In this talk I will disÂcuss how adaptÂed to studyÂing metacogÂniÂtion online, showÂing you the task we used and the meaÂsures we put in order to get high qualÂiÂty data.