Speak­ing at BeOnline

For our 2023 speak­ers: thank you for being part of BeOnline.

We’re delight­ed to have you and look­ing for­ward to hear­ing about your research!

We’ve put this page togeth­er to tell you what you can expect on the day, and give some guid­ance for your presentation.

On the day

BeOnline 2023 is a one-day con­fer­ence made up of approx­i­mate­ly 1 hour ses­sions. Each ses­sion will include 3–4 speakers.

Each pre­sen­ta­tion will be 15 min­utes, fol­lowed by 5 min­utes of audi­ence questions.

Please arrive 10–15 min­utes before your sched­uled ses­sion so that we can check in with you and answer any last minute ques­tions. The con­fer­ence will be held as a Zoom webi­nar, and we’ll send you a Zoom pan­el­list link ahead of the con­fer­ence. You’ll just need to click the Zoom link to join, then share your screen when you’re ready to present (if you want to share sound, make sure you tick the Share Sound box in the bot­tom-left cor­ner of the share selec­tion win­dow). The webi­nar will be record­ed and we’ll send the record­ings out to the con­fer­ence mail­ing list for any­one who could­n’t make it on the day.

If you can stay for the full hour of your ses­sion to keep answer­ing ques­tions in the chat (and pos­si­bly if we have time, for a short pan­el Q&A with the oth­er pre­sen­ters), that would be fan­tas­tic, but we under­stand if you need to leave early.

Final tim­ings TBC (we’ll reach out to you by email once we have a sched­ule). We’re based in the UK, so we’ll make sure to sched­ule US/Canadian speak­ers for the after­noon our time, so that it’s not too ear­ly in the US!

Pre­sen­ta­tion Guidance

BeOnline is a con­fer­ence about online research with a focus on online research meth­ods, so the audi­ence will want to know:

  • What you did online.  Per­haps they can do the same?
  • What your results show.  Can they use your research to inform their ideas?
  • What mea­sures you put in place to ensure good qual­i­ty data.
To this end, there are 4  spe­cif­ic top­ics we’d like you to con­sid­er covering:
  • Com­pare and con­trast online with the lab:  What was your research like before you took it online?  Why did you go online?  What did you gain by going online?
  • Data qual­i­ty: What did you learn from any pilot stud­ies? Did you put any mea­sures in place to improve par­tic­i­pant engage­ment, or to exclude any participants? 
  • Top Tips:  Tops tips for oth­er researchers like you tak­ing research online for the first time. 
  • Fea­ture Show­case:  If appro­pri­ate, show­case a stand-out fea­ture of your exper­i­ment that was essen­tial and why. â€śI cre­at­ed [this pro­ce­dure].  This allows me to inves­ti­gate [my research ques­tion] which is impor­tant for [the­o­ret­i­cal rea­son].”  Include a gif or screen­shot of what the par­tic­i­pant sees (if appro­pri­ate for your research).

Our aim with BeOnline is to pro­vide inter­est­ing and help­ful exam­ples and guid­ance for researchers want­i­ng to move online, or to improve their online studies.

Obvi­ous­ly, we’d like you to talk about how online research has worked well for you, but don’t be afraid of talk­ing about chal­lenges and dis­ad­van­tages as well.

If you have any ques­tions, just drop me an email at [email protected]