BeOnline ProÂgramme 2020
All times are in British SumÂmer Time
09:00 WelÂcome and Orientation
WelÂcome from Prof Joe Devlin Vice Dean of InnoÂvaÂtion and EnterÂprise at UCL and Jo EverÂshed CEO of CaulÂdron Science
09:15 SesÂsion 1:
A BufÂfet of Online Research
Five short talks from four difÂferÂent disÂciÂplines takÂing research online.
FolÂlowed by Q&A hostÂed by Joe and Jo.
- All about memÂoÂry research Emma James, UniÂverÂsiÂty of York @emljames
- All about lanÂguage research Gwen BrekelÂmans, UCL @GwenBrekel
- All about genÂerÂatÂing social conÂtexts online Miles Tufft, UCL
- All about cogÂniÂtion and workÂing with teenagers Gabe ChierÂchia, UCL
- All about metacogÂniÂtion Max RollÂwage, UCL
10:30 SesÂsion 2:
The Many Faces of Data Quality
Three short talks on difÂferÂent aspects of data qualÂiÂty. FolÂlowed by Q&A hostÂed by Joe and Jo.
- All about timÂing accuÂraÂcy Alex Irvine, MRC CogÂniÂtion , CamÂbridge @alexanderirvine
- All about pilotÂing EmiÂly Breese, Open UniÂverÂsiÂty @Emily_Louise548
- All about data qualÂiÂty JenÂni Rodd, UCL @JenniRodd
11:30 SesÂsion 3:
Our Vision from EduÂcaÂtion to Impact
Insights from BehavÂiourÂal SciÂence will be essenÂtial to tackÂle a wide range of issues facÂing our civilÂiÂsaÂtion. DisÂcovÂer how online research will help bridge the gap between research and impact. FolÂlowed by Q&A hostÂed by Joe.
- TeachÂing Research MethÂods Daniel RichardÂson, UCL @eyethinkdcr
- InformÂing PolÂiÂcy Shane TimÂmons, ESRI @_shanetimmons
- Beyond AssessÂment to TrainÂing Dorothy BishÂop, Oxford @deevybee
12:30 BREAK for 15 minutes
A great opporÂtuÂniÂty to watch short talks in our Poster Video Wall and work out who you want to talk to!
12:45 Poster SesÂsion & SpeakÂers Corner
Grab a bite to eat and then head back for the interÂacÂtive part of the conference.
SpeakÂers from the mornÂing sesÂsions will be at SpeakÂers CorÂner to answer your questions.
Poster sesÂsion will be availÂable in the chat room.
ComÂmerÂcial SponÂsors (ProÂlifÂic, Sona, GorilÂla) will be availÂable in their booths.
13:45 SesÂsion 4:
Bring me that horizon
What was imposÂsiÂble is now easy, but there are still parÂaÂdigms that are hard online. WelÂcome to a sesÂsion all about the curÂrent fronÂtier in online BehavÂiourÂal Science.
- A new fronÂtier Nick Hodges, Founder CTO CaulÂdron SciÂence @Nikoraisu
Eye-trackÂing online — baby steps! Gaia ScerÂiff, UniÂverÂsiÂty of Oxford @GaiaScerif - All about using MindÂtrace with GorilÂla AdjÂmal SarÂwary, CEO Mind Trace @AdjmalSarwary
- When it’s easÂiÂer to do things the hard way Eoin TraÂvers, UCL ICN @Traverseoin
- All about mulÂtiÂplayÂer experÂiÂments Maarten SpeekenÂbrink, UCL @MaartenSpeek
15:00 SesÂsion 5:
All about Participants
We’ve heard all about the tools that make online research posÂsiÂble. Now let’s hear about the parÂticÂiÂpant recruitÂment serÂvices, and parÂticÂiÂpants that bring us that valuÂable data.
- ProÂlifÂic Andrew GorÂdon, AcaÂdÂeÂmÂic LiaiÂson, ProÂlifÂic @Prolific
- SONA SysÂtems Justin Fidler, PresÂiÂdent Sona SysÂtems @SonaSystems
- Behind the curÂtain Sandy Gould @sjjgo
15:00 SesÂsion 6:
SpeÂcialÂist Sessions
Three parÂalÂlel sesÂsions on difÂferÂent niche specialistis.
TopÂic: All about testÂing kids online (and offline)
- SCALES — benÂeÂfits and chalÂlenges of movÂing lonÂgiÂtuÂdiÂnal study of lanÂguage online, CourteÂnay NorÂbury, Sarah GrifÂfiths, and LauÂra Lucas, UCL, @lilacCourt
- Noise and develÂopÂment: StudyÂing the effect of noise and chaos on home learnÂing, Natasha Kirkham, BirkÂbeck, UniÂverÂsiÂty of LonÂdon, @natashakirkham
- ConÂductÂing prefÂerÂenÂtial lookÂing studÂies with infants online: Unique chalÂlenges and soluÂtions, LoriÂjn ZaadÂnoÂordijk, TrinÂiÂty ColÂlege Dublin, @LorijnSZ
- DownÂloadÂable apps verÂsus browsÂer-based testÂing: Pros and cons of each approach for develÂopÂmenÂtal visuÂal cogÂniÂtion, ShanÂnon Ross-SheeÂhy, UniÂverÂsiÂty of TenÂnessee, @ross_sheehy
TopÂic: All about audiÂtoÂry research online
- StudyÂing voice perÂcepÂtion via online experÂiÂments, Nadine Lavan, UCL, @nadinelavan
- Are online audiÂtoÂry data robust, Kyle JasÂmin, BirkÂbeck, UniÂverÂsiÂty of London
- ConÂducÂtion speech perÂcepÂtion experÂiÂments online: Some tools, sucÂcessÂes, and chalÂlenges, Rachel Theodore, UniÂverÂsiÂty of Connecticut
TopÂic: All about online health research
- ConÂductÂing prefÂerÂenÂtial lookÂing studÂies with infants online: Unique chalÂlenges and soluÂtions, GolÂnesÂsa MasÂson, UniÂverÂsiÂty of Cambridge
- StudyÂing Social CogÂniÂtion and ComorÂbidÂiÂty in Autism in the Lab and Online, HĂ©lio Clemente Cuve, UniÂverÂsiÂty of Oxford, @HCuve
- Aging online: impliÂcaÂtions for menÂtal health, Colleen Mills-FinnerÂty, VetÂerÂans AdminÂisÂtraÂtion Palo Alto and StanÂford UniÂverÂsiÂty, PsyÂchiÂaÂtry & BehavÂioral SciÂence, @CMillsFinn
17:00 The Wrap Up
Joe and Jo will wrap up the day, share their learnÂings and announce the poster prize winÂner! Stick around to find out about the 2020 GorilÂla Grants for MScs, Phds and ECRs.
17:30 SpeakÂers Corner
OpporÂtuÂniÂties to conÂnect with speakÂers in break out rooms.
Get on the RegÂisÂtraÂtion List
BeOnline is the conÂferÂence to learn all about online behavÂioral research. It’s the ideÂal place to disÂcovÂer the chalÂlenges and benÂeÂfits of online research and to learn from pioÂneers. If that sounds interÂestÂing to you, then click the butÂton below to regÂisÂter for the 2023 conÂferÂence on ThursÂday July 6th. You will be the first to know when we release new conÂtent and timÂings for BeOnline 2023.
With thanks to our sponsors!