BeOnline ProÂgramme 2018
All times are in British SumÂmer Time
SesÂsion 1. RunÂning ExperÂiÂments Online: Tools of the Trade
In this introÂducÂtoÂry sesÂsion we will introÂduce some of the key advanÂtages and chalÂlenges of runÂning experÂiÂments online and introÂduce some helpÂful tools
- 09:50 WelÂcome and AnnounceÂments JenÂni Rodd, UCL
- 10:00 Online research is #trendÂing, but is it good sciÂence? Why Online? Jo EverÂshed, CaulÂdron Science
- 10:20 The state of the art: a techÂniÂcal overview of what works today Nick Hodges, CaulÂdron Science
- 10:40 [C]lick your screen: probÂing the sensÂes online Andy Woods
11:00–11.30 COFFEE
- 11:30 Online large-scale studÂies with chilÂdren out of the lab: the promise and the chalÂlenge Kate Nation, UniÂverÂsiÂty of Oxford
- 11:50 RecruitÂing ParÂticÂiÂpants for Online StudÂies: ChalÂlenges and SoluÂtions Katia Damer, Prolific
- 12:10 EnsurÂing data qualÂiÂty when you can’t see your parÂticÂiÂpants JenÂni Rodd, UCL
- 12:30 The future of pubÂlishÂing: An opporÂtuÂniÂty to conÂtribute Cleo Ngiam, Springer Nature
12:40–13.40 Lunch
NB: Lunch will not be proÂvidÂed. There is a cafĂ© in the buildÂing and many othÂers nearby.
SesÂsion 2. AppliÂcaÂtions of Online MethÂods: LearnÂing from past SucÂcessÂes (and Failures)
- 1:40 Using online resources to improve children’s lanÂguage skills: Prospects and ChalÂlenges Charles Hulme, UniÂverÂsiÂty of Oxford
- 2:00 Online audiÂtoÂry trainÂing and learnÂing studÂies: promise and pitÂfalls Fred Dick, Birkbeck
- 2:20 The UniÂty game engine for a large-cohort, develÂopÂmenÂtal study Alex Irvine, MRC CogÂniÂtion and Brain SciÂences Unit
- 2.40 TestÂing over 4 milÂlion parÂticÂiÂpants via a mobile app: Sea Hero Quest Hugo Spiers, UCL
3:00–3:30 TEA
- 3:30 Online data colÂlecÂtion in health psyÂcholÂoÂgy research: what I have learned SuzanÂna ForÂwood, Anglia Ruskin University
- 3:50 Doing mulÂti-perÂson interÂacÂtive social cogÂniÂtion studÂies in psyÂchiÂaÂtry: sucÂcessÂes, chalÂlenges and frusÂtraÂtions VaughÂan Bell, DiviÂsion of PsyÂchiÂaÂtry, UCL & Nichola RaiÂhani, ExperÂiÂmenÂtal PsyÂcholÂoÂgy, UCL
- 4:10 MakÂing cogÂniÂtive and lanÂguage assessÂments availÂable online to pracÂtiÂtionÂers MairĂ©ad MacÂSweeney, UCL
- 4.30 GenÂerÂal Discussions/ QuesÂtions
Our sponÂsors (GorilÂla, CaulÂdron SciÂence and ProÂlifÂic) are kindÂly payÂing for wine and nibÂbles so that we can all chat about the future of online behavÂiourÂal science.
Get on the RegÂisÂtraÂtion List
BeOnline is the conÂferÂence to learn all about online behavÂioral research. It’s the ideÂal place to disÂcovÂer the chalÂlenges and benÂeÂfits of online research and to learn from pioÂneers. If that sounds interÂestÂing to you, then click the butÂton below to regÂisÂter for the 2023 conÂferÂence on ThursÂday July 6th. You will be the first to know when we release new conÂtent and timÂings for BeOnline 2023.
With thanks to our sponsors!