+100 Talks to Learn Something
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Mis/Disinformation in Social Media Posts
Max MawÂby — Thinks Insight ConÂtinÂue ReadÂing Mis/Disinformation in Social Media Posts

LexÂiÂcal bias for ambiguÂous speech
Julia Drouin — UniÂverÂsiÂty of North CarÂoliÂna at Chapel Hill ConÂtinÂue ReadÂing LexÂiÂcal bias for ambiguÂous speech

Group dynamÂics in a real time game of Geo-Guesser
David ShackÂlette — HarÂvard UniÂverÂsiÂty ConÂtinÂue ReadÂing Group dynamÂics in a real time game of Geo-Guesser

Live colÂlabÂoÂraÂtion in an online mulÂtiÂplayÂer task
Johann Majer — Leuphana UniÂverÂsiÂty ConÂtinÂue ReadÂing Live colÂlabÂoÂraÂtion in an online mulÂtiÂplayÂer task

EmoÂtionÂal responsÂes to live music
Xim Cerdá & GemÂma CarÂdona — UniÂverÂsiÂtat AutonoÂma de Barcelona & BelÂlvitge BioÂmedÂical Research InstiÂtute ConÂtinÂue ReadÂing EmoÂtionÂal responsÂes to live music

Human underÂstandÂing of ape communication
Kirsty GraÂham — UniÂverÂsiÂty of St Andrews ConÂtinÂue ReadÂing Human underÂstandÂing of ape communication

GetÂting great data qualÂiÂty online
Rachel Theodore — UniÂverÂsiÂty of ConÂnectiÂcut ConÂtinÂue ReadÂing GetÂting great data qualÂiÂty online

GroundÂing data qualÂiÂty checks in empirÂiÂcal findings
Andrew MessÂing — Sona SysÂtems ConÂtinÂue ReadÂing GroundÂing data qualÂiÂty checks in empirÂiÂcal findings

How to solve the probÂlem of data qualÂiÂty in your online research
Andrew GorÂdon — ProÂlifÂic ConÂtinÂue ReadÂing How to solve the probÂlem of data qualÂiÂty in your online research

Smell and MemÂoÂry Consolidation
JesÂsiÂca Knötzele — UniÂverÂsiÂty of Freiburg ConÂtinÂue ReadÂing Smell and MemÂoÂry Consolidation
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