BeOnline 2020

The online con­fer­ence where ambi­tious
behav­ioral sci­en­tists come to learn

Tues­day 30 June 2020

Online via Zoom!

The online behav­iour­al Research Con­fer­ence 

Where ambi­tious behav­iour­al sci­en­tist come and learn
Hosts: UCL PALS and Gorilla
Venue: Online via Zoom!
Date: Tues­day 30th June
Time: 10am — 5pm BST (prob­a­bly)
News: Fol­low @GorillaPsyc and @EvershedJo on twit­ter for updates and for news of #BeOnline2020
Spon­sors: With thanks to UCLPALS, Caul­dron Sci­ence, Pro­lif­ic, Sona Sys­tems, and Goril­la

Renowed Speak­ers

Con­firmed Speakers

We have a fab­u­lous line up of con­firmed speak­ers. Between them they have a wealth of expe­ri­ence with run­ning stud­ies online. Chal­lenges, solu­tion, pit­falls they’ve seen it all and will be shar­ing their sto­ries so that you can get up and run­ning quick­ly and easily.

Types of Talk

We’re aim­ing to pro­vide a range of dif­fer­ent talks and ses­sions on the day so that you can dip in and out and go to the ones that will ben­e­fit you the most.

Poster Ses­sion

We’re re-imag­in­ing the tra­di­tion­al poster ses­sion for an online audi­ence to ensure that as many peo­ple as pos­si­ble can share their work. Get involved!

Pre-reg­is­ter for BeOnline 2021

If you’d like to be among the first to know about BeOnline 2021, reg­is­ter your inter­est by click­ing the but­ton below. 

Jo Ever­shed

CEO and cofounder of Goril­la Exper­i­ment Builder

Rachel Theodore

Uni­ver­si­ty of Connecticut

Kyle Jas­min

Birk­beck, Uni­ver­si­ty of London

Nadine Lavan

Post­doc at the Vocal Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Lab (PI: Car­olyn McGet­ti­gan), UCL

Shan­non Ross-Sheehy

PI of Infant Visu­al Cog­ni­tion lab, Uni­ver­si­ty of Tennessee

Lori­jn Zaadnoordijk

Post­doc at the Cusack Lab (PI: Prof. Rho­dri Cusack), Trin­i­ty Col­lege Dublin

Get on the Reg­is­tra­tion List

BeOnline is the con­fer­ence to learn all about online behav­ioral research. It’s the ide­al place to dis­cov­er the chal­lenges and ben­e­fits of online research and to learn from pio­neers. If that sounds inter­est­ing to you, then click the but­ton below to reg­is­ter for the 2023 con­fer­ence on Thurs­day July 6th. You will be the first to know when we release new con­tent and tim­ings for BeOnline 2023.

With thanks to our sponsors!

Sponsors 2020