BeOnline 2020
The online conÂferÂence where ambiÂtious
behavÂioral sciÂenÂtists come to learn
TuesÂday 30 June 2020
Online via Zoom!
The online behavÂiourÂal Research ConÂferÂence
Where ambiÂtious behavÂiourÂal sciÂenÂtist come and learn
Hosts: UCL PALS and Gorilla
Venue: Online via Zoom!
Date: TuesÂday 30th June
Time: 10am — 5pm BST (probÂaÂbly)
News: FolÂlow @GorillaPsyc and @EvershedJo on twitÂter for updates and for news of #BeOnline2020
SponÂsors: With thanks to UCLPALS, CaulÂdron SciÂence, ProÂlifÂic, Sona SysÂtems, and GorilÂla
Renowed SpeakÂers
ConÂfirmed Speakers
We have a fabÂuÂlous line up of conÂfirmed speakÂers. Between them they have a wealth of expeÂriÂence with runÂning studÂies online. ChalÂlenges, soluÂtion, pitÂfalls they’ve seen it all and will be sharÂing their stoÂries so that you can get up and runÂning quickÂly and easily.
Types of Talk
We’re aimÂing to proÂvide a range of difÂferÂent talks and sesÂsions on the day so that you can dip in and out and go to the ones that will benÂeÂfit you the most.
Poster SesÂsion
We’re re-imagÂinÂing the traÂdiÂtionÂal poster sesÂsion for an online audiÂence to ensure that as many peoÂple as posÂsiÂble can share their work. Get involved!
Pre-regÂisÂter for BeOnline 2021
If you’d like to be among the first to know about BeOnline 2021, regÂisÂter your interÂest by clickÂing the butÂton below.
Jo EverÂshed
CEO and cofounder of GorilÂla ExperÂiÂment Builder
Nadine Lavan
PostÂdoc at the Vocal ComÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion Lab (PI: CarÂolyn McGetÂtiÂgan), UCL
ShanÂnon Ross-Sheehy
PI of Infant VisuÂal CogÂniÂtion lab, UniÂverÂsiÂty of Tennessee
LoriÂjn Zaadnoordijk
PostÂdoc at the Cusack Lab (PI: Prof. RhoÂdri Cusack), TrinÂiÂty ColÂlege Dublin
Get on the RegÂisÂtraÂtion List
BeOnline is the conÂferÂence to learn all about online behavÂioral research. It’s the ideÂal place to disÂcovÂer the chalÂlenges and benÂeÂfits of online research and to learn from pioÂneers. If that sounds interÂestÂing to you, then click the butÂton below to regÂisÂter for the 2023 conÂferÂence on ThursÂday July 6th. You will be the first to know when we release new conÂtent and timÂings for BeOnline 2023.