Dorothy BishÂop, UniÂverÂsiÂty of Oxford
ComÂputÂerised methÂods have potenÂtial for trainÂing chilÂdren’s lanÂguage skills by preÂsentÂing a large numÂber of triÂals with feedÂback in a game-like forÂmat, and adaptÂing to the levÂel of perÂforÂmance. In a preÂviÂous study, we trained comÂpreÂhenÂsion of a) new vocabÂuÂlary and b) reversible senÂtences to show that chilÂdren with develÂopÂmenÂtal lanÂguage disÂorÂder (DLD) learned at a simÂiÂlar rate to younger lanÂguage-matched chilÂdren. We are now extendÂing this approach to online adminÂisÂtraÂtion via the GorilÂla platÂform. I will demonÂstrate our first forÂay using this method for a stuÂdent project conÂductÂed by Nicole Tan Li Ning, co-superÂvised by Adam ParkÂer. We were able to demonÂstrate learnÂing, but found no difÂferÂence between blocked and interÂleaved preÂsenÂtaÂtion of vocabÂuÂlary and senÂtence items for typÂiÂcalÂly-develÂopÂing chilÂdren. ChilÂdren enjoy the tasks, so it is posÂsiÂble to test large numÂbers to tune test preÂsenÂtaÂtion to optiÂmise learnÂing. We are curÂrentÂly explorÂing an extenÂsion to clinÂiÂcal groups.