Beyond Assess­ment to Training

Dorothy Bish­op, Uni­ver­si­ty of Oxford


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Com­put­erised meth­ods have poten­tial for train­ing chil­dren’s lan­guage skills by pre­sent­ing a large num­ber of tri­als with feed­back in a game-like for­mat, and adapt­ing to the lev­el of per­for­mance. In a pre­vi­ous study, we trained com­pre­hen­sion of a) new vocab­u­lary and b) reversible sen­tences to show that chil­dren with devel­op­men­tal lan­guage dis­or­der (DLD) learned at a sim­i­lar rate to younger lan­guage-matched chil­dren. We are now extend­ing this approach to online admin­is­tra­tion via the Goril­la plat­form. I will demon­strate our first for­ay using this method for a stu­dent project con­duct­ed by Nicole Tan Li Ning, co-super­vised by Adam Park­er. We were able to demon­strate learn­ing, but found no dif­fer­ence between blocked and inter­leaved pre­sen­ta­tion of vocab­u­lary and sen­tence items for typ­i­cal­ly-devel­op­ing chil­dren. Chil­dren enjoy the tasks, so it is pos­si­ble to test large num­bers to tune test pre­sen­ta­tion to opti­mise learn­ing. We are cur­rent­ly explor­ing an exten­sion to clin­i­cal groups.

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