MouseView.js: A no-eyes, mouse-based, alter­na­tive to eye track­ing online. What you can use it for, and how to use it on

MouseView.js: A no-eyes, mouse-based, alter­na­tive to eye track­ing online. What you can use it for, and how to use it on

Alex Anwyl-Irvine, Cam­bridge University@AlexanderIrvine Share on Twitter Full Tran­script: Alex Anwyl-Irvine:Thanks for join­ing every­one. Wel­come to the spe­cial­ist sem­i­nar on our MouseView.js library. I’m Alex Anwyl-Irvine, I’m...
Build­ing an Engag­ing Child-Friend­ly Task for Remote Admin­is­tra­tion: Exam­ple of a Gam­i­fied Mouse-Track­ing Task on Paired Asso­ciate Learning

Build­ing an Engag­ing Child-Friend­ly Task for Remote Admin­is­tra­tion: Exam­ple of a Gam­i­fied Mouse-Track­ing Task on Paired Asso­ciate Learning

Simone Lira Cal­abrich, Ban­gor University@Simonecalabrich By load­ing the video, you agree to YouTube’s pri­va­cy pol­i­cy.Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube The Covid-19 pan­dem­ic has restruc­tured behav­iour­al research, dri­ving sci­en­tists to adapt...