BeOnline Day 1 Feedback
Thank you for joinÂing us for the first day of BeOnline 2021! We hope you found it all useful.
If you 5mins, it would be great to get your feedÂback on the sesÂsions you attended.
- GetÂting StudÂies Online
- A BufÂfet of Online Research
- All about GamÂiÂfied Research
- Games Builder Demo
- SpeÂcialÂist SymÂpoÂsium: MouseView.js — An eye trackÂing alternative
- SpeÂcialÂist SymÂpoÂsium: AudiÂtoÂry Research Online
*If you gave us feedÂback durÂing the day then you don’t need to give feedÂback again