PhD StuÂdent
UniÂverÂsiÂty of Cambridge
SuperÂviÂsors: Dr. BrechtÂje Post & Dr. MirÂjana Bozic
Lab: PhoÂnetÂics LabÂoÂraÂtoÂry, UniÂverÂsiÂty of Cambridge
All are welcome!
This online study on inflecÂtionÂal sufÂfix and sylÂlaÂble primÂing could be of interÂest to researchers workÂing on word and lanÂguage proÂcessÂing. It is also relÂeÂvant for any researchers interÂestÂed in conÂductÂing visuÂal primÂing experÂiÂments online.