Online large-scale stud­ies with chil­dren out of the lab: the promise and the challenge

Kate Nation, Uni­ver­si­ty of Oxford


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Chil­dren vary enor­mous­ly in their cog­ni­tive and lin­guis­tic abil­i­ties. It is impor­tant that our exper­i­ments cap­ture this vari­abil­i­ty and that our the­o­ries try to explain it. This requires (a) large sam­ples and (b) reli­able met­rics. Time and resources for data col­lec­tion in schools are pre­cious and lim­it­ed. An ide­al solu­tion there­fore is to devel­op online exper­i­ments that can be com­plet­ed by chil­dren at school, or in the home. In this talk I will con­sid­er our ini­tial for­ages into the world of online test­ing with pri­ma­ry school chil­dren, focus­ing on some of the par­tic­u­lar issues that arise when work­ing with chil­dren, schools and families.


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