Present at BeOnline 2021

We’re now accept­ing poster and talk submissions

As with pre­vi­ous years, BeOnline is offer­ing a diverse range of con­tent including:

  • Spe­cial­ist symopsia
  • Short talks
  • Poster ses­sions
  • Work­shops
  • and much more!

BeOnline is great oppor­tu­ni­ty to share your research with oth­er sci­en­tists. Plus, as part of our comit­ment to cham­pi­on Ear­ly Career Researchers and online research, we’ll pro­mote your work on our social media chan­nels through­out the year.

You can see last years exam­ples here.

Present at BeOnline 2021

We are very hap­py to have you share your research. Please include a title and and an abstract (max. 200 words) of what you want to present.

When sub­mit­ting your abstract, you can decide whether you would like to be con­sid­ered for our “Buf­fet of Online Research” ses­sions. We’ll be invit­ing the most excit­ing research pro­pos­als to give a short 10min (live) talk at our Buf­fet of Online Research sessions.

Please con­sid­er our dead­lines: Appli­ca­tions are due by 23rd April, 5pm GMT. The con­fer­ence timetable will then be push­lished by the end of May.

With thanks to our sponsors!


Sona Systems
UCL Pals supports BeOnline 2021
Gorilla supports BeOnline
UCL Pals supports BeOnline 2021