Pro­gramme 2023

Infographic with the details of the BeOnline 2023 schedule

10:00 BST / 05:00 EDT 

Jo Ever­shed

Hel­lo and welcome

10:10 BST / 05:10 EDT

Katha­ri­na KĂĽhne

How does a robot­’s dialect affect trust?

10:30 BST / 05:30 EDT

Tes­sa Clarkson

Reward­ing stim­uli and visu­al search performance

10:50 BST / 05:50 EDT

Jes­si­ca Knötzele

Smell and mem­o­ry consolidation


11:30 BST / 06:30 EDT

Kirsty Gra­ham

Human under­stand­ing of ape communication

11:50 BST / 06:50 EDT

Xim Cerdá & Gem­ma Cardona

Emo­tion­al respons­es to live music

12:10 BST / 07:10 EDT

Kather­ine Rowlands

Imag­ined odors and cognition

12:30 BST / 07:30 EDT

Johann Majer

Live col­lab­o­ra­tion in an online mul­ti­play­er task


13:50 BST / 08:50 EDT

Jo Ever­shed

The future of open science

14:10 BST / 09:10 EDT

Andrew Mess­ing

Ground­ing data qual­i­ty checks in empir­i­cal findings

14:25 BST / 09:25 EDT

Rachel Theodore

Get­ting great data qual­i­ty online

14:40 BST / 09:40 EDT

Data Qual­i­ty Pan­el Dis­cus­sion with Andrew and Rachel

15:10 BST / 10:10 EDT

Nick Hodges

What’s new in Goril­la Exper­i­ment Builder?

15:30 BST / 10:30 EDT

David Shack­lette

Group dynam­ics in a real time game of Geo-Guesser

15:50 BST / 10:50 EDT

Julia Drouin

Lex­i­cal bias for ambigu­ous speech

4:10 BST / 11:10 EDT

Andrew Gor­don

How to solve the prob­lem of data qual­i­ty in your online research

4:40 BST / 11:40 EDT

Jo Ever­shed

Clos­ing Announcements

Get on the Reg­is­tra­tion List

BeOnline is the con­fer­ence to learn all about online behav­ioral research. It’s the ide­al place to dis­cov­er the chal­lenges and ben­e­fits of online research and to learn from pio­neers. If that sounds inter­est­ing to you, then click the but­ton below to reg­is­ter for the 2023 con­fer­ence on Thurs­day July 6th. You will be the first to know when we release new con­tent and tim­ings for BeOnline 2023.