Recruit­ing Par­tic­i­pants for Online Stud­ies: Chal­lenges and Solutions

Katia Damer, Prolific


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Pro­lif­ic helps researchers around the world find par­tic­i­pants for online stud­ies. It is tai­lored for sci­en­tif­ic research, high­ly scal­able, and can flex­i­bly allow researchers to recruit any tar­get demo­graph­ics. In this talk, cofounder Katia will dis­cuss the var­ied chal­lenges when recruit­ing par­tic­i­pants online, and intro­duce Pro­lif­ic, which offers solu­tions to many of these chal­lenges. She will also dis­cuss some dif­fer­ences between run­ning lab and online stud­ies and how to design online stud­ies wise­ly in order to col­lect high qual­i­ty data and keep par­tic­i­pants hap­py. Final­ly, she will reflect on how the above con­sid­er­a­tions inform Prolific’s mis­sion to make online data col­lec­tion trustworthy.

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