SCALES — ben­e­fits and chal­lenges of mov­ing lon­gi­tu­di­nal study of lan­guage on-line

Courte­nay Nor­bury, Sarah Grif­fiths, and Lau­ra Lucas, UCL 


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It’s easy to think of online stud­ies as a mag­ic box, with data appear­ing from the aether. In our research we’ve been try­ing to under­stand the peo­ple who make online stud­ies pos­si­ble and how they go about their work. In this talk I will reflect on what we’ve learnt about our par­tic­i­pants’ work­ing con­texts and the con­straints placed on them by the tasks we set and the nature of the plat­forms we use. These shape how peo­ple behave and, in turn, the results that we obtain.

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