Max is the founder of the BehavÂiourÂal Insight and AdviÂsoÂry unit at Thinks Insight and Strategy.
Max has over a decade’s expeÂriÂence spanÂning behavÂiourÂal sciÂence withÂin pubÂlic and priÂvate secÂtor organisations.
RangÂing from creÂatÂing behavÂiourÂal objecÂtives through behavÂiourÂal mapÂping, to exploratoÂry qualÂiÂtaÂtive and obserÂvaÂtionÂal research, Max is pasÂsionÂate about applied behavÂiourÂal sciÂence and how this can improve our lives. In parÂticÂuÂlar, he is interÂestÂed in finanÂcial behavÂiours, susÂtainÂable deciÂsions, and how to use behavÂiourÂal insight to make design inclusive.