Study­ing voice per­cep­tion via online experiments

Nadine Lavan, UCL


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Voic­es are a cen­tral part of every­day social inter­ac­tions. Research ques­tions about how we per­ceive oth­er people’s iden­ti­ties and traits from their voice do not always require spe­cial­ist audio equip­ment, and there­fore can be read­i­ly addressed using online exper­i­ments. How­ev­er, when using audi­to­ry stim­uli, addi­tion­al con­sid­er­a­tions are required to ensure good qual­i­ty data from online participants.

In this talk, I will talk about voice iden­ti­ty learn­ing study I have run online to illus­trate my approach to imple­ment­ing audio play­back, estab­lish­ing par­tic­i­pant inclu­sion and exclu­sion cri­te­ria, and oth­er qual­i­ty assur­ance checks (e.g. head­phone checks).

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