A great experience

Con­grat­u­la­tions on the won­der­ful con­fer­ence. It was a great expe­ri­ence for me as I got to inter­act with a pan­theon of top researchers around the world. It was a won­der­ful plat­form for me to present my work.

Sanya Jain, Post­grad­u­ate Stu­dent, Indi­an Insti­tute of Technology

BeOnline Con­fer­ence

Sanya Jain, Post­grad­u­ate Stu­dent, Indi­an Insti­tute of Technology

Con­grat­u­la­tions on the won­der­ful con­fer­ence. It was a great expe­ri­ence for me as I got to inter­act with a pan­theon of top researchers around the world. It was a won­der­ful plat­form for me to present my work.