When it’s eas­i­er to do things the hard way

Eoin Tra­vers, UCL ICN


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Some ways of build­ing online exper­i­ments are hard­er than oth­ers. You could take 5 min­utes to cre­ate a Google Form, or you could spend months learn­ing full-stack web devel­op­ment. The sweet spot for your research is some­where in-between. I will talk about how to find it, cov­er­ing graph­i­cal tools, JavaScript frame­works, raw code, the sim­plic­i­ty-flex­i­bil­i­ty trade-off, and the 80:20 rule of soft­ware devel­op­ment. I’ll also dis­cuss my cur­rent work, com­bin­ing hand-cod­ed JavaScript with the Goril­la serv­er in a way that’s both flex­i­ble and easy for stu­dents to learn.

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