Sarah Hendry and Abbie Ball

PhD Stu­dent Uni­ver­si­ty of Plymouth Super­vi­sor: Dr Peter Jones All are welcome! We are run­ning an online study look­ing at dif­fer­ent study strate­gies and how they inter­act with dif­fer­ent pre­sen­ta­tion modal­i­ties (e.g. visu­al vs. visu­al and...

Emi­ly Breese

@Emily_Louise548 PhD Stu­dent The Open University Super­vi­sor: Dr Chris Heath Lab: Heath Lab All are welcome! I would love to talk to any­one who has researched the impact of shift work or cir­ca­di­an dis­rup­tion, par­tic­u­lar­ly through the use of...

Simone Lira Calabrich

@Simone Lira Calabrich PhD stu­dent Ban­gor University Super­vi­sors: Dr. Manon Jones & Dr. Gary Oppenheim All are welcome! I am look­ing for­ward to chat­ting about web­cam-based eye-track­ing, its chal­lenges, and its pros...