MSc StuÂdent
IndiÂan InstiÂtute of TechÂnolÂoÂgy GandÂhiÂnaÂgar, India
SuperÂviÂsor: Dr M.Tamburelli
All are welcome!
I am interÂestÂed in biopsyÂchosoÂcial aspects of menÂtal health and behavÂiour. I am fasÂciÂnatÂed by how interÂvenÂtions from posÂiÂtive psyÂcholÂoÂgy can catÂalyze adapÂtive changes in the traÂjecÂtoÂry of human growth and develÂopÂment. I view resilience, grit, altruÂism and emoÂtionÂal regÂuÂlaÂtion as inteÂgral aspects of sound menÂtal health. I also like to study how these interÂvenÂtions can exert an influÂence on our neurÂal cirÂcuitÂry by proÂducÂing relÂeÂvant epiÂgeÂnetÂic changes. I would love to interÂact with researchers workÂing along simÂiÂlar areas.