Val­i­dat­ing MouseView.js for sex research

Val­i­dat­ing MouseView.js for sex research

Sonia Milani, Uni­ver­si­ty of British Columbia Share on Twitter Full Tran­script: Sonia Milani : My name is Sonia Milani. I’m actu­al­ly not in my PhD yet. I’m actu­al­ly just still, fin­ished my first year of my mas­ter’s in clin­i­cal...
MouseView.js: A no-eyes, mouse-based, alter­na­tive to eye track­ing online. What you can use it for, and how to use it on

MouseView.js: A no-eyes, mouse-based, alter­na­tive to eye track­ing online. What you can use it for, and how to use it on

Alex Anwyl-Irvine, Cam­bridge University@AlexanderIrvine Share on Twitter Full Tran­script: Alex Anwyl-Irvine:Thanks for join­ing every­one. Wel­come to the spe­cial­ist sem­i­nar on our MouseView.js library. I’m Alex Anwyl-Irvine, I’m...
Goril­la Game Builder Demo

Goril­la Game Builder Demo

Nick Hodges, Gorilla@nikoraisu Share on Twitter Full Tran­script: Nick:Hello, I’m Nick from Goril­la just like Jo said and today I’m going to talk to you about the game builder tool that I’m putting togeth­er and also some slight­ly more...
How do dif­fer­ent modes of instruc­tion deliv­ery impact data qual­i­ty in an online mul­ti-ses­sion cog­ni­tive study?

How do dif­fer­ent modes of instruc­tion deliv­ery impact data qual­i­ty in an online mul­ti-ses­sion cog­ni­tive study?

Jihanne Dumo, Uni­ver­si­ty of North­ern British Columbia@JihanneDumo By load­ing the video, you agree to YouTube’s pri­va­cy pol­i­cy.Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube Par­tic­i­pants com­plet­ing a study online can­not clar­i­fy their under­stand­ing of...