Does the speed of autom­a­ti­za­tion pre­dict dif­fer­ences in children’s lin­guis­tic ability?

Does the speed of autom­a­ti­za­tion pre­dict dif­fer­ences in children’s lin­guis­tic ability?

Ash­ley Blake, Uni­ver­si­ty of Birmingham@ashleyrblake Share on Twitter Full Tran­script: Ashley:Hi every­one and wel­come to my talk. So my name is Ash­ley. I’m a PhD stu­dent at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Birm­ing­ham, and I’m part of a...
Build­ing an Engag­ing Child-Friend­ly Task for Remote Admin­is­tra­tion: Exam­ple of a Gam­i­fied Mouse-Track­ing Task on Paired Asso­ciate Learning

Build­ing an Engag­ing Child-Friend­ly Task for Remote Admin­is­tra­tion: Exam­ple of a Gam­i­fied Mouse-Track­ing Task on Paired Asso­ciate Learning

Simone Lira Cal­abrich, Ban­gor University@Simonecalabrich By load­ing the video, you agree to YouTube’s pri­va­cy pol­i­cy.Learn more Load video Always unblock YouTube The Covid-19 pan­dem­ic has restruc­tured behav­iour­al research, dri­ving sci­en­tists to adapt...
Get­ting Research Online

Get­ting Research Online

Dr Joshua Bal­sters, Gorilla@DrBalsters Share on Twitter Full Tran­script: Dr. Joshua Balsters:Okay. Thank you very much, Joe. Thanks for get­ting me up here. So, can you write in the chat, just tell me you can see the screen? Type, “See...