BeOnline Pro­gramme 2018

All times are in British Sum­mer Time


Ses­sion 1. Run­ning Exper­i­ments Online: Tools of the Trade

In this intro­duc­to­ry ses­sion we will intro­duce some of the key advan­tages and chal­lenges of run­ning exper­i­ments online and intro­duce some help­ful tools


11:00–11.30 COFFEE



12:40–13.40 Lunch

NB: Lunch will not be pro­vid­ed. There is a café in the build­ing and many oth­ers nearby.



Ses­sion 2. Appli­ca­tions of Online Meth­ods: Learn­ing from past Suc­cess­es (and Failures)



3:00–3:30 TEA



Our spon­sors (Goril­la, Caul­dron Sci­ence and Pro­lif­ic) are kind­ly pay­ing for wine and nib­bles so that we can all chat about the future of online behav­iour­al science.

Get on the Reg­is­tra­tion List

BeOnline is the con­fer­ence to learn all about online behav­ioral research. It’s the ide­al place to dis­cov­er the chal­lenges and ben­e­fits of online research and to learn from pio­neers. If that sounds inter­est­ing to you, then click the but­ton below to reg­is­ter for the 2023 con­fer­ence on Thurs­day July 6th. You will be the first to know when we release new con­tent and tim­ings for BeOnline 2023.

With thanks to our sponsors!